Deborah Schamoni

Mauerkircherstr. 186

D-81925 München

Wednesday – Friday 12 – 6 pm

Saturday 12 – 4 pm and by appointment

Flaka Haliti
Partly Cloudy or Partly Sunny

07.09. – 26.10.2024

  • Opening 06.09., 6–9 pm

    Partly Cloudy or Partly Sunny marks Flaka Haliti’s second solo show at the gallery, continuing her exploration of the “demilitarization of aesthetics.” Haliti’s new body of work embodies this distinctive intersection. Rooted in her experiences following the Kosovo War and the visual impact of NATO’s military presence during peacekeeping efforts, Haliti critiques how militarism continues to shape global narratives of power and dominance. Despite evolving rhetoric on “empire,” the persistent use of military power to assert dominance remains unchanged. Haliti challenges this enduring link between aesthetics and warfare, questioning its impact on contemporary societies. Through her unique artistic perspective, she aims to inspire fresh narratives that challenge prevailing myths, exploring visual, aesthetic, and linguistic possibilities for a collective future.

With special thanks to ISOCLIMA.