The traveling salesman W enters the hotel. You can tell that both of them have become outdated. There is not much time left. W has big plans, at least that’s what his upwardly tilted chest is supposed to suggest. The marble floor of the lobby has also been polished up for one last time. The crooked teeth of the old grand piano chatter yellowish and black; important negotiations are no longer conducted here. W is here to close one, perhaps his last, important deal. Import Export. He doesn’t want his partner to notice that he needs the money as urgently as this plaster needs a new coat of paint. His partner is also more of a lover than a business kind, but the other shareholders don’t need to know that. His own footsteps echo as W runs his hands over the wooden tables on his way to the bar. He had been a good carpenter before the money lured him with the houses. He would rather say that he was lured into the houses. Too many beautiful nooks and angles, dark corners that called him into dirty business. What remains are the remnants of bureaucratic entrepreneurship and brittle skin, in which the splinters of his dubious past remain. One more deal, then he leaves. It`s his own decision. He has set the traps for himself. If only all negotiations were as easy as those with oneself. W almost trips over something lying vaguely on the floor. He tries to brace himself against the bar, but only catches a blue dust jacket that has been stretched across the entire bar. Along with the alcoholic inventory, he falls on his face. The tables look much bigger from down here. Everything seems so cramped, there’s no room anywhere. “It’s all full of traps!” he croaks. W starts to sweat. He pulls at his tie, almost undoing his fly at the same time. If only it weren’t for the enormous female figure lolling on the abandoned serving trolley. Doesn’t anyone work here? She looks directly at him, menacingly. Where is the business, er, love partner when you need one? His first reflex is to bury his face childishly into her breasts. No, we’d rather not, W and the woman think at the same moment. Ashamed, W looks down. He pulls himself through the sticky puddles with his hands, wraps himself in a cocoon of blue net and waits.
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Der Handlungsreisende W betritt das Hotel. Beide sind gemeinsam in die Jahre gekommen, das sieht man ihnen an. Viel Zeit bleibt nicht mehr. W hat Großes vor, zumindest soll seine, nach oben gekippte Brust diesen Anschein verleihen. Auch der Marmorboden der Lobby wurde mit letzter Mühe noch einmal aufpoliert. Die schiefen Zähne des alten Flügels klappern gelb und schwarz, wichtige Verhandlungen werden hier nicht mehr geführt. W ist gekommen, um ein, vielleicht sein letztes, wichtiges Geschäft abzuschließen. Import Export. Dass er das Geld so dringend braucht wie dieser Putz einen neuen Anstrich, dass soll sein Partner nicht merken. Der Partner ist auch mehr ein Liebes- als ein Geschäftspartner, aber das müssen ja die anderen Teilhabenden nicht wissen. Seine Schritte hallen, als W auf dem Weg zur Bar die Hände über die hölzernen Tische gleiten lässt. Er war ein guter Schreiner gewesen, bevor ihn das Geld mit den Häusern gelockt hatte. Er würde ja eher sagen, dass er in die Häuser gelockt wurde. Zu viele schöne Winkel, dunkle Nischen, die ihn zu schmutzigen Geschäften riefen. Was bleibt, sind die Reste bürokratischen Unternehmertums und spröde Haut, in der gut die Spreißel seiner dubiosen Vergangenheit hängenbleiben. Noch dieses eine Geschäft, dann geht er, selbst entschieden. Die Fallen dafür hat er sich selbst gestellt. Wenn alle Verhandlungen so einfach wären wie die mit sich selbst. W stolpert fast über etwas, das da ungenau auf dem Boden liegt. Er versucht sich am Tresen abzustützen, erwischt aber nur ein blaues Staubnetz, das über die gesamte Bar gespannt wurde. Er fällt mitsamt dem alkoholischen Inventar auf die Schnauze. Von hier unten sehen die Tische viel größer aus. Alles steht so eng, nirgendwo ist Platz. „Alles voller Fallen!“ krächzt es aus ihm. W fängt an zu schwitzen. Er zieht an seiner Krawatte, fast hätte er den Hosenstall gleich mit aufgemacht. Wenn da nicht diese enorme Frauenfigur wäre, die sich auf dem stehengelassenen Servierwagen räkelt. Arbeitet hier denn niemand? Sie sieht ihn bedrohlich direkt an. Wo ist der Geschäfts-, äh, Liebespartner, wenn man ihn braucht? Der erste Reflex will sein Gesicht kindlich in ihre Brüste vergraben lassen. Nein, wir wollen lieber nicht, denken sich W und die Frau im selben Moment. Beschämt schaut W zu Boden. Mit den Händen zieht er sich durch die klebrigen Pfützen, hüllt sich in einen Kokon aus blauem Netz und wartet.
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Wednesday – Friday 12 – 6 pm
Saturday 12 – 4 pm and by appointment
Some Borrowed Time
Gerry Bibby
Tomaso De Luca
Davide Stucchi
Nicole Wermers
26.11.23 – 03.02.24
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Installation view, Tomaso De Luca, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Tomaso De Luca, Slapper, 2023
Stainless steel, plastic, rubber, screws, wood, iron wire, sawdust, varnish, 79 × 33 × 20 cm -
Tomaso De Luca, Endorsement, 2023
Found wood, stainless steel, iron wire, wood, acrylic, chalk, 94 × 160 × 45 cm -
Gerry Bibby, Dust Jacket footnote 2 for DW. Weight of the Earth, 2023
Wooden stretcher, plastic scaffolding net, spray paint, dirt, 130 × 140 × 2 cm -
Davide Stucchi, SUITE FOR SUIT, 2023
Construction fence, cotton socks, 200 × 300 × 33 cm -
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Davide Stucchi, Still pending #1, 2023
Various cardboard boxes, metal bar, 187 × 55 × 60 cm -
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Nicole Wermers, Reclining Female #3, 2022
Plaster, pigment, styrofoam, fabric, metal, wood, housekeeping trolley, various materials, 221 × 176 × 76 cm, Courtesy the artist and Herald St, London -
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Installation view, Gerry Bibby, Tomaso De Luca, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Gerry Bibby, New Diplomacy Now! (detail), 2023
Table cut-outs from various sources including donations from Berlin city administrations, wood, paint, metal, 125 × 1100 × 14 cm -
Gerry Bibby, New Diplomacy Now! (detail), 2023
Table cut-outs from various sources including donations from Berlin city administrations, wood, paint, metal, 125 × 1100 × 14 cm -
Gerry Bibby, New Diplomacy Now! (detail), 2023
Table cut-outs from various sources including donations from Berlin city administrations, wood, paint, metal, 125 × 1100 × 14 cm -
Gerry Bibby, New Diplomacy Now! (detail), 2023
Table cut-outs from various sources including donations from Berlin city administrations, wood, paint, metal, 125 × 1100 × 14 cm -
Gerry Bibby, Dust Jacket footnote 1 for DW. One day this kid will get larger. One day this kid will come to know something that causes a sensation equivalent to the separation of the earth from its axis. One day this kid will reach a point where he senses a division that isn’t mathematical. One day this kid will feel something stir in his heart and throat and mouth. One day this kid will find something in his mind and body and soul that makes him hungry. One day this kid will do something that causes men who wear the uniforms of priests and rabbis, men who inhabit certain stone buildings, to call for his death. One day politicians will enact legislation against this kid. One day families will give false information to their children and each child will pass that information down generationally to their families and that information will be designed to make existence intolerable for this kid. One day this kid will begin to experience all this activity in his environment and that activity and information will compell [sic] him to commit suicide or submit to danger in hopes of being murdered or submit to silence and invisibility. Or one day this kid will talk. When he begins to talk, men who develop a fear of this kid will attempt to silence him with strangling, fists, prison, suffocation, rape, intimidation, drugging, ropes, guns, laws, menace, roving gangs, bottles, knives, religion, decapitation, and immolation by fire. Doctors will pronounce this kid curable as if his brain were a virus. This kid will lose his constitutional rights against the government’s invasion of his privacy. This kid will be faced with electro-shock, drugs, and conditioning therapies in laboratories tended by psychologists and research scientists. He will be subject to loss of home, civil rights, jobs, and all conceivable freedoms. All this will begin to happen in one or two years when he discovers he desires to place his naked body on the naked body of another boy., 2023
Wooden stretcher, plastic scaffolding net, spray paint, dirt, 130 × 140 × 2 cm -
Installation view, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Tomaso De Luca, Hochmaus, 2023
Burned wood, acrylic glass, resin, glass, steel, 40 × 52 × 140 cm -
Installation view, Gerry Bibby, Davide Stucchi, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Davide Stucchi, Still pending #2, 2023
Various cardboard boxes, metal bar, 186 × 55 × 70 cm -
Nicole Wermers, Moodboard #3, 2016
Baby changing unit, cast terrazzo, 48.9 × 88.3 × 58.4 cm, Courtesy the artist and Herald St, London -
Nicole Wermers, Moodboard #3, 2016
Baby changing unit, cast terrazzo, 48.9 × 88.3 × 58.4 cm, Courtesy the artist and Herald St, London -
Installation view, Nicole Wermers, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Nicole Wermers, Attachments #1, 2022
C-print, 40 × 30 cm, Courtesy the artist and Herald St, London -
Nicole Wermers, Proposal for a Monument to a Reclining Female! #11, 2023
Reinforced clay, found objects, 39 × 32 × 16 cm, Courtesy the artist and Produzentengalerie Hamburg, Germany -
Installation view, Davide Stucchi, Nicole Wermers, Some Borrowed Time, Deborah Schamoni, 2023 -
Davide Stucchi, Laces with no traces #1 & #2, 2023
Plastic paint roller grid, domestic wall paint, stitched primed canvas, 29.5 × 20.5 × 1 cm, (each) -
Nicole Wermers, Seasons #23, 2021
Mounted C-print, powder-coated steel, sand, pigment, polyvinyl compound, 50 × 42 × 4 cm, Courtesy the artist and Herald St, London -
Tomaso De Luca, Early American Tools (1), (5), (4), 2023
Mixed media on paper, 30 × 42 cm -
Gerry Bibby, Invitations footnote. Thanks Maintenance!, 2023
Found frame, lamented laser copy on paper, silicone, paint, oil pastel, marker, 32.5 × 23.5 cm -
Gerry Bibby, Lobby, 2023
Laser copy on paper, tape, paper, foam board, 57 × 65 cm