Deborah Schamoni

Mauerkircherstr. 186

D-81925 München

Wednesday – Friday 12 – 6 pm

Saturday 12 – 4 pm and by appointment

Paris Internationale 2015

Véronique Bourgoin

Judith Hopf

Anne Imhof

Stephan Dillemuth

20.10. – 24.10.2015

  • Paris Internationale is a gallery initiated contemporary art fair held within a hotel particulier in the heart of Paris. For this inaugural edition, Paris Internationale will feature 41 select exhibitors made up of 34 galleries and 7 non-profit spaces from 13 countries. Taking place at 45 Avenue d'Iéna, situated between the Palais de Tokyo and the Arc de Triomphe, Paris Internationale will occur from Tuesday, October 20th to Saturday, October 24th.

Stephan Dillemuth
Self-portrait as a majestic squid, 2015
Plaster, gold, synthetic
87 ⁠× ⁠36 ⁠× ⁠36 ⁠⁠cm

Stephan Dillemuth
Self-portrait as a royal octopus, 2015
Plaster, gold, synthetic
87 ⁠× ⁠36 ⁠× ⁠36 ⁠⁠cm