This project is a tribute, a role-game, an experiment. A strange form of personification. It is certainly a tribute to John Armleder, the artist and the curator. It is a celebration of his art of mixing and mashing-up; it is a homage to his capacity to create intriguing hybrid forms by the juxtaposition of apparently different elements taken from the store-room of history. Being John Armleder means imaging what kind of exhibition he would do today.How would he deal with the latest expressions in the long history of abstraction? How would he temporarily re-combine them in a new mega-mix?
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Wednesday – Friday 12 – 6 pm
Saturday 12 – 4 pm and by appointment
Davide Stucchi – If I was John Armleder (What a curator is not supposed to do)
artgenève13, Geneva, CH30.01. – 02.02.2013